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Promiseland Preschool
Shawna Zeiser, Preschool Director
Promiseland Teachers:
Janis Bowman
Laurie Ingram
Sarah Bowman
Angie Foland
Jordie Shinn
Jessica Davies
Mission Statement: Promiseland Preschool is committed to reaching children & families for Jesus Christ by providing a quality early childhood education in an environment that both teaches and models Christian living.
For more information:
Preschool Office: 765-395-7712 (ext. 21)
Preschool Days offered:
Monday class: M.O.R.E. Monday - Enrichment Class in Science & Math
Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday: Regular Preschool Classes
AM Class: 9:00-11:30am
PM Class: 12:00-2:30pm
There are Extended Care options for preschool-enrolled kids. Please call for more information!
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